Construction AdvertSt Hilliers Banner Mesh on Scaffolding Construction Advertising - Banner Meshising - Banner Mesh

Benefits of Advertising Your Construction Project with Fence Mesh

September 01, 2016 / in Blog / by Mesh Direct / No Comments

The demand for printed signage option in the form of fence mesh by the construction industry has increased significantly over the last 10 years, worksite boundaries are covered with colourful displays of artworks and advertising solutions. This all culminates into a number of combining benefits that have led to this form of advertising to be just an effective form of advertising within the construction industry.

Improving the Attractiveness of Your Worksite 

Incomplete worksites often lead to messy viewing and often being smack bang in the middle of a large project the use of banners have allowed unattractive worksites to become a more attractive setting in the community. Often communities like to keep their suburb neat and tidy and the great thing about fence mesh is you can cover your site up to avoid public complaints.

Cost Efficiency 

The cost efficient and practicality of fence mesh is unparalleled as it is a relatively cheap product to purchase. The main drawcard is that its potential audience is unlimited, it can be reused and therefore cost to use ratio is significantly better than most other methods of advertising. Unlike television advertising and most other forms of advertising there are no ongoing or associated costs to keep attracting your target market.


The great thing about fence mesh is it versatility. It can be applied virtually anywhere which makes it an incredibly useful tool in advertising. It can be continually reused and put in new locations to increase your audience or changed and switched to an area that better suits your target market.

Helps Inculcate Brand Awareness to Increase Product/Brand Popularity 

Once on the fence the banner is there for everyone to see and usually applied for a lengthy amount of time. As a result the fence mesh often becomes apart of the landscape and in turn your brand awareness, product familiarity and brand popularity will benefit from this.

Summary of Benefits of Construction Advertising 

  • Proper advertisement of your businesses features leading to increased brand awareness for 24 hours of the day
  • Int he case of construction sites, concealing a dangerous area for pedestrians
  • Great print reproduction with full banner coverage for your striking graphic style
  • Budget conscious choice
  • Ideal for windy conditions
  • UV protected so fading doesn’t occur
  • Banner mesh is waterproof
  • Eco-friedly
  • Easy to install banner from any structure
  • Banner tape found on the back of product which is welded to the edge adds significant strength

If you would like to speak to a member of the Mesh Direct team about your next banner and sign project, visit or call us on 1300 368 978.

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festival signage - shade cloth

Gaining Exposure Far and Wide with Great Event and Festival Signage

August 15, 2016 / in Blog / by Mesh Direct / No Comments

Festivals and events in general present a monumental opportunity for organisers and sponsors to share their message and promote their brand. These events often see tens of thousands of people congregate to a small enclosed space with fencing and crowd control barriers placed as far as the eye can see. With all these potential marketing and branding opportunities it is vital that they are taken with both hands. There can be many stakeholders involved in putting on an event and we are able to work with organisers and sponsors to visualise and create spectacular branding opportunities. Events attract a large audience with common interests and are ideal places for advertising certain products and brands.

The possibilities are endless and the market is flooded with so many great products such as:

Printed shade cloth

Custom banner mesh

Vinyl hoardings

Mesh fence panels

Corflute signage

Custom crowd control barrier covers

All events are unique in their own way and you can’t apply a cookie cutter approach if you want to achieve optimal branding results. That is why with all these great products it has never been easier to spruce up and individualise your event with beautifully designed and coloured banners to not only promote your brand but to also make the event space more vibrant and nice place to be for the public. With events time is critical, it is vital to have signs in the right place and at the right time- too early and there is nowhere to store them, too late and well, you missed the boat.

If you would like more information on Banners and Signs for Festivals and Events visit our product page here, call our sales team on 1300 368 978 or to get a quote – fill in an enquiry form.

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Crowd Control Barriers for Events by Mesh Direct

Filling the Advertising Void: Crowd Control Barrier Covers, Signs and Banners for Events

July 30, 2016 / in Blog / by Mesh Direct / No Comments

In this stone age, public events are constantly running throughout the calendar year and draw the masses to small areas on numerous occasions. Due to this, event organisation is largely based upon crowd control and if not attended to correctly, it may lead to chaos that could easily lead to injuries or death. Therefore, it is imperative that an event has effective crowd control methods, it allows the crowd to easily access the event but also ensures the safety of participants whilst attending the event. This is where crowd control barriers come into play.

Unlimited Marketing Opportunities

Crowd control barrier banners or sleeves are perfect for any event, festivals, concerts, sporting events, film premieres, marathon or a product launch. With large amounts of fencing and protective guards to control the flow of people needed, this allows for kilometres of advertising space. This is a perfect opportunity for event organisers to maximise promotion of their event or products. Crowd control signs and banners can fit snug onto your barriers and can be applied to one or both sides which is not only for a great promotional opportunity but also makes all that empty metal fencing look aesthetically pleasing.

Unreal Practicality
Crowd Control barriers with the use of signs and banners can incorporate your business logo, colour schemes and fonts. It normally comes in two forms

1. Single Sided with polyester mesh
2. Double Sided sleeve which normally involves non-porous polyester velcro which joins at the side to go over the fence links.

Manufacturers of crowd control barrier signs ensure that they are made from lightweight materials that are easy to manoeuvre. Most crowd control banners are made of materials that are extremely adaptable to extreme weather conditions. With all these benefits crowd control barrier signs remain to be a fantastic cost effective marketing tool.

The installation process also adds another benefit as more often that not a very smooth affair and the banners are angled to corners to fit inside the rounded corners of the barrier and is attached with cable ties. This whole process usually takes about 2 minutes per barrier which just speaks volumes of its marketable value for sponsors in any event scenario.

If you would like more information on Crowd Control Barrier Covers, Banners and Signs visit our product page here, call our sales team on 1300 368 978 or to get a quote – fill in an enquiry form.

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Corflute mesh direct

Corflute Signage: Delivering a Message Cost Effectively

July 15, 2016 / in Blog / by Mesh Direct / No Comments

Corflute signage has been a great addition to the signage arsenal as it boasts a lightweight, versatile signage option that is made from corrugated plastic or corriboard. It presents a rigid, flat surface that can be applied virtually anywhere and by anyone. It’s success and popularity can be partly attributed to its versatility as it can be used in short or long-term projects such as real estate signs, promotional signs, construction site signs, building site signs, compliance signs, tradesman site signage, building site warning signs, security company signs, trade show display signs, in-store promotional, safety, warning signs and first aid signs.

Corflute signage has become an incredibly effective form of signage as it can be placed anywhere and has become quite commonly been placed on fences, light poles and buildings which allows it to have high exposure to large crowds.

It is an incredibly effective marketing tool that in essence, is a very simple and easy form of advertising. There are no restrictions on the colour you can use in your design which enables you to convey your brand or message in whichever way you see fit. It’s easily applicable as it can be affixed to any flat surface using adhesive tape, glue, screws or nails. It can also be easily attached to fencing through metal eyelets in each corner.

It is also an option that will not break the bank and remains a relatively cost effective form of signage. It can replace expensive substrates such as aluminium panels or colour-bond signage. This low-cost form of plastic signage is economical and inexpensive, perfect when needing bulk supplies.

It’s durability is an attractive feature of corflute signage as it is waterproof and the material used to make it means that your message will appear perfectly no matter the weather. Corflute retains ink well and will only start to fade after years of exposure to UV. Corflute signage is exceptionally strong, it is impossible to tear by hand and will take a beating when bumped into.

To find out more about corflute signage, visit our product page here, contact Mesh Direct on 1300 368 978 or fill in an enquiry form.

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Shade cloth mesh direct

How to Find High Quality Printed Banners

June 29, 2016 / in Blog / by Mesh Direct / No Comments

We all want the highest quality signage and banner products and all printed banner companies wants to be your one stop shop for all your signage needs. With the newly developed corporate world where marketing and selling products has become such a focus point, how do you see through all the marketing jargon and seek the best product and the most suitable price. The answer is research.

Shop Around: Research
Type in any key words such as printed banners, mesh banners, banner mesh, printed shade cloth etc. into google and you’ll get a thousand different links and options. At a minimum it is essential to visit at least 3 different companies websites, each will have photographic examples of their products, product descriptions and quotes. Compare, contrast, analyse, be thorough in your research and seek out of the best signage and banner based on these descriptions. Go on social media, visit Facebook and Instagram pages, observe the public image and the ratings they receive on their social media pages.

Be Careful: Pricing
Don’t be naive, we want the best and lowest price available for our signage and banner options but at the same time we don’t want this to fly in the face of quality. Remember quality is everything, don’t be fooled by the word ‘cheap’ which is thrown around foolishly be many suppliers. Get more than one quote from a number of suppliers to best decipher price for quality.

Don’t be afraid to ask: Product Samples
The great thing about the competition in the market is the creation of an intense relationship between you as customer and the supplier. This meaning that suppliers are more than willing to work very closely with you and send out samples of a wide range of banners and signage products that you are interested in. This will allow you to further compare, contrast and analyse the product to allow you to gain the highest printed banner substrate quality and the best print resolution that you desire.

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Banners surviving storms mesh direct

Did Your Printed Banners Survive the Storm?

June 06, 2016 / in Blog / by Mesh Direct / No Comments

At Mesh Direct, we pride ourselves on the quality of our mesh banners but even our banners may not be able to withstand a once in a lifetime storm! If your banner suffered some damage this weekend gone, then we may be able to resurrect it with our banner repair service*. If the cable ties holding your printed banner to the fence have been destroyed, we recommend replacing them immediately before more damage is caused**.

Get in touch with us today on 1300 368 978

Watch this!
This quick video explains what printed banner substrate and finishing feature is best if your next project is in a high wind area.

*We will have our courier pick up your printed banner and return it to our workshop where we will add new eyelets. In sever cases, we may need to cut the banner down and weld a new edge on your banner before re-eyeleting. Please note that costs are involved but repairing your banner costs considerably less than the replacement of your banner. Repairs may take up to 14 days.

** Not using all the eyelets creates excessive strain on the eyelets that are being used which can lead to eyelet failure. Once an eyelet fails there can be a chain reaction as escalating strain is placed on each eyelet. This can cause banners to flap around which can lead to ink cracking and mesh fraying – let alone the sight of your wonderful advertising in disarray.

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Banner Mesh - Macquarie Park

How to Extend the Life of Your Printed Banners and Signs

May 17, 2016 / in Blog / by Mesh Direct / No Comments

Extending the life of your printed banners and signs starts with placement and maintenance. Being an out-of-home advertising medium, banners are more susceptible to damaging weather and vandalism throughout the year, so it is critical to take extra care to extend the life of your printed banner.

Hear are a few points to ensure your printed banners and signs are looked after and look the best they can:

Sunlight and Heat
Different substrates withstand harsh environmental elements better than others. For example, vinyl banners are better protected against moisture. Direct sunlight and heat have huge permanent effects of your printed banners and signs by breaking down the chemical bonds in the ink, hence major fading. In order to keep your vibrant colours, either place the sign in a shady area or undercover. However, at Mesh Direct we only use the finest UV stabilised ink for printing on our banner. This ensures minimal fade to your high impact printed banners and signs.

Wind is the biggest killer for signs, tearing the materials and pulling it away from its structure. Two thing that will help preserve your printed banner is perfect installation and the perfect tension. The installation of the printed banner is a huge part of extending its life. Whatever type of banner mesh you have, it is likely to have supertuff edging and a nylon welded backing, giving it that supreme strength. When installing, the most important step is tensioning; make sure you use cable ties in each eyelet so there is no chance for your banner to sag, fold, or come loose during high winds. The tensioning overall, should be significant and is the best way to prevent any tears.

Cutting holes into the sides of your banners is another idea. Without cutting into the graphic design, this will simply allow wind to flow through and not just push the solid banner. Although, one type of banner mesh that is perfect for windy conditions is shade cloth, as it is a permeable substrate which creates a light load on the structure, and allows wind to move through the banner easily.

Limiting your risk of costly vandalism is a contributing factor. This is a smart move as it will save you hundreds, if not thousands, of dollars in damages and aid in keeping the appeal of your banner. The anti-graffiti coating comes in a matte and gloss finish, perfect for any look. They both have the ability to simply wipe off graffiti on your printed banner quick and easily without damaging the colour. Adcoat is a highly praised anti-graffiti coating which ads a layer above the original ink, so in the act of being vandalised, your signage can be easily restored to its original appearance. It is particularly recommended when your hoarding or large scale project is easily accessed in an urban area where vandalism is highly likely to occur. For more detail information on anti-graffiti coating, check out our blog post ‘Anti-Graffiti Coating: How to Protect Your Signage’.

Regular Maintenance
Regular cleaning expands the life of your printed banners and signs and keep them looking sharp, as being outside will attract a lot of dirt and grime. A solution of warm soapy water and a damp cloth is an ideal way to wash off all dirt and dust. Then with another clean cloth, wipe off all excess suds and thoroughly dry.

Perfect Installation
Your beautifully printed banner and signs have cost you a bit of money but is now all set to repay you in conveying your message – all you need to do now is to install it. Installing banners on fencing us usually a fairly simple task if you know some basic tips and the cornerstone of those tips is tension. A banner that is crooked, sagging or flapping in the breeze can be more damaging than helpful, displaying a lack of care and sloppiness.



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festival and event signage

4 Tips to Achieve Great Event Signage

April 15, 2016 / in Blog / by Mesh Direct / No Comments

Events are the ideal opportunity to put your brand out there in front of your audience. Use your next event to promote your brand and ‘wow’ your attendees every where they look with great event signage.

Here are out tips to having high impact event signage:

1. Print it big. Print it bright.
Event signage should be big, bright and ideally be high impact. Mesh banners are a great way of presenting your brand or message. Big banners are always better if you want to have high impact signage.

2. Consistency is key
Creating and following a theme give your event or festival a coherent message, an inclusive vibe that ties the event together. Your wayfinding signs, stage covers, directional signage, toilet signs, fence signage and entry/exit point signage should all be within the theme. Focus on keeping your event theme consistent across all signage.

3. Wayfinding signage is integral
Event patrons will more than likely be unfamiliar with the event facility or grounds. Wayfinding signage needs to be specific, prominently placed and concise. Make sure your attendees can safely navigate your event with wayfinding signage at your next event.

4. Safety First
Safety is at the forefront of effective event planning for any large gathering. Large crowds can be unpredictable, but proper safety signage assists attendees, officials and emergency teams react promptly and appropriately. Safety signs should be bold and strategically placed. You should also consult industry body safety regulations to ensure your signs and festivals are compliant.

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Shade Cloth Prospec

Everything You Need to Know About Printed Shade Cloth

March 18, 2016 / in Blog / by Mesh Direct / No Comments

Printed shade cloth or also commonly known as scrim is a budget friendly marketing solution which can provide high impact results for a project or advertising your brand. Shade cloth or scrim is a permeable substrate which allows wind to pass through easily, creating a light load on the structure to which it is attached.

Printed scrim can incorporate your business logo, colour schemes and fonts. However, it is not recommended for overly elaborate designs or photos but for logos or solid text, printed shade cloth (or scrim) is ideal.

Both full and partial printing options are available depending on the budget and needs of our clients. Scrim is a very popular method of construction site advertising, or scaffold branding, although it is also often seen at music festivals and sporting events as a budget friendly printed banner option. Because of its cost we recommend scrim where clients have longer runs and where the quality of print is not a priority.

Shade cloth fabric complies with all OH&S requirements under the relevant building codes. As standard, shade cloth printing used fully UV stabilised inks and substrates, ensuring that your sign will last and not fade for at least 12 months. Printed shade cloth can be used for construction and development sites, retail sites, community and school locations and large-scale events of all types.



Shade cloth is usually fixed to temporary fencing via cable ties which makes the installation process quick and easy. The substrate can be installed on scaffolds, temporary fences, chain wire fences and, as well as, building facades to ensure your brand has excellent exposure and is customised to your site.


Shade Cloth is Used For:

  • Construction site advertising
  • Scaffold branding
  • Music festivals
  • Sporting events
  • Temporary fence signage
  • Development sites
  • Retail sites
  • Community and school locations
  • Large-scale events


Product Video

For technical specifications, please visit our product page for more detailed information –


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